Originally Posted by KingDezo View Post
Hello hopeful comrades

I am 14 years old and I am almost a black belt. I am interested in joining this clan because i heard good things about you guys and I would like a shot in being in the top two. I have 2 brothers that play Toribash, and I am the best out of both of them. I am whenever i am in a match, when im waiting and a in katana. I your clan and I wish the best for you guys. I sometimes kill myself in order for other people to play when I have a streak. I may kill myself for comrades. I am a very confident and fair Man, and I always Smile some say im a very guy. My motto is 10% luck 20% skill and 15% concentrated power of will. which means in all i only use 40% of my strength. Please Accept me into the clan, I will be really happy. Thank you and Have a great day.

10 + 20 +15 = 45 +40 = 95%
i don't take slackers
also bad applications... i don't take those either
"I don't need a safety word because my mother didn't raise no quitter." ~BaraYaoi - BDSM Expert