Endurance Onslaught 6.0
Originally Posted by souldevilj View Post
I could simply survive if I sat on my ass and ate food but there's no fun in that

The trick is, instead of spending that time doing nothing you spend it reading books that will raise skills relevant to your survival. My first day is basically spent only looking for three things: perishable food*, trenchcoats (and preferably a backpack) and books.
Getting only 1 point in first aid is enough to teach you how to craft bandages which is incredibly helpful, so getting something like a first responders handbook or the big book of first aid as early as possible is really beneficial.
Survival books usually have some handy crafting recipes in them.
Tailoring doesn't seem that useful at first glance, but once you have a few points in it you're gonna be able to make some amazing things, and you'll also be able to reinforce all your clothing and armor which is hugely useful.
If you want to build a camp or other structures by scratch, you'll want books on construction, although I suggest just squatting in some building until you're set for life.
There are also books for raising mechanics, which is amazing if you put work into it but I haven't messed around too much.

Then there are a few books for the different weapon skills as well, all hella useful to have around, basically you're gonna have a lot of free time so snatch as much reading material as you can.

*you'd think you would want to only bother with the stuff that will last, but I find you're better off eating all the morale boosting tasty stuff first before it spoils and is gone for good. You can always come back for the non perishables later, it isn't going anywhere.

Originally Posted by souldevilj View Post
I always die when i decide to go to town.

Town is where (almost) all the actual danger of the game lies, you really don't want to spend too much time there until you're strong enough to deal with whatever it throws at you. When you do have to tackle a town, say your base is running low on supplies or whatever, the best choice of action is to be as methodical as fuck.
Unless you messed with the worldgen settings, there are a finite amount of monsters in the world. If you try and kill them all at once you're screwed, likewise if you just try to rush by everything and eventually get yourself cornered.
Take your victories on a house by house basis, starting on the edge of as small a town as you have access to. Carefully kill any zombies that are there, looting the place for anything you might need later and then moving on to the next building.
The closer you are to the center of town, the more concentrated and bad ass the monsters will be, so usually it pays to stick to the suburbs until you're confident with your equipment (either looted from corpses or crafted yourself thanks to all the booklearning.)

Originally Posted by souldevilj View Post
And is it possible to build a camp to live in at the forest, where nobody will come for you as you sleep?

Totally, although it gets kind of boring hunting/eating squirrels all day and boiling drinking water.

All you need to be self sufficient enough for this is:
A knife for butchering, most professions start with a pocket knife or something which is fine.
A pot, you can grab one on your first day if you're careful but if you want to go full Bear Grills you can craft your own, with some survival and cooking skill.
Some way to light fires, most professions start with matches or a lighter or something, you can make a fire drill with a little survival skill as well.
Aaaand at least a container or two for storing water, something small would be nice so you could carry it around easily, but I usually keep a few gallon jugs of boiled water around if things are going well. You can craft water skins if you want to Bear Grills that, too.

If you want the place to actually be nice, or you want to be able to competently defend it from the occasional zombear attack, or you just want to eat something other than dead squirrel, you're gonna have to head into town to find learning materials and supplies.

tldr if you want to survive for longer than a week or so you need to to plan shit out: make a base, gather supplies that will stay relevant and spend your free time learning skills through books.
oh yeah