People are people, we are made up of the same organs and all require the same sustinence to live.

I think discriminating against anyone because of their appearance is wrong, you should judge people on their personality, actions and mannerism's, They did not wake up and decide to have coloured skin one day just to offend the small minded people of the world.

As for same sex couples getting wed, It should be their choice to make.People will fall for who they fall for, And I doubt they would get in to a relationship with somebody of the same sex just to piss simpletons off .

They do it for love of each other and it should not be anybody elses choice of what they do but theirs, It is basically a massive breach of basic human rights and I am unsure why people in power are allowed to continue this biggoted practice.

Also In a world obsessed with keeping overpopulation down, why do the governments look down on this? if they are same sex they cannot conceive a child, So they then look to adopt and give kids with nothing a loving home... how can being homosexual do any kind of harm to anything?
And If anyone brings aids in to this I would like you to remember that Aids is a man made disease created by the so called land of the free.

We should be evolving and adapting with the world not sending it back in the dark ages, Hardship is required to evolve though and unfortunately humans have made the world so easy to live in with all the tech and devices to aid you in your everyday life that we have no need to further evolve and I believe this will be each and every one of us's downfall.

It will not matter about the colour of your skin, your religion or your choice of mate when the end of the world comes, We will all be fighting the same fight to survive, Thats if what we face is even possible to survive.
- Blu -