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[Music] Forget

Made w/ free loops provided by MAGIX and Audacity.

I will get FL Studio soon to start being more professional but here is something I made with free loops a while back. It's simple but I love it. You don't have to give me CnC, just tell me what you think. I wanted it to sound very 'natural' and atmospheric.

Oh and here is something I just want to say;

You may think 'free loops' and think "okay, 99% of this track was already made" but I can assure you it's not that simple. I had to make sure sure it flowed nicely and each instrument worked with one another as well as make the chords, tempo, sound effects, the choir thingy in the background (I think its called a pad) was hard to get to sound smooth too and some other stuff. The only downfall I see is it is too repetitive but this is something I can never re-make because just too much work went into it and even with the loops I wouldn't be able to do it again. I don't know if you have tried making stuff with free loops before but it isn't exactly the easiest thing in the world unless you have a set of loops which match each other perfectly. Like...does this song sound like it was made with free loops? Exactly, much effort was put in.
Just wanted to get that out of the way heh. Enjoy!

P.S. Game Devs; I think this track is nice to use as toribashs main background music.
Last edited by jyrii; Jul 29, 2015 at 09:53 PM.
Contact Kradel if you need me.