Original Post
[Monk] Hall of Glory

We monks have always strived, whether it was in replaymaking, art or multiplayer.
Some of us have strived and achieved that no one thought was achievable.
For these monks, this thread was created to glorify them for an eternity.
Entries for the hall of glory must have proof (quotes, screenshots etc.)

This thread will also be for those glorious moment the members of this clan have gone through.
The Monks can post their moment here as long as does not does not show an outsider in a negative way.
Posts that ridicule people, who are not Monks, will be removed if it insults them.




Static - Honorary Member


Shiro - Honorary Member

The white reveals a lot: by duck

dont know it: by Theee

Swag.. by BBKing

Just Married by TimmyboyG

When Monks get Drunk by Duck

Honorary Members are those who have left the clan.
Last edited by Kore; Jan 28, 2016 at 05:52 AM.