Originally Posted by Aerotack View Post
Hello I am Aerotack but my real name is Michael.
And I am 17
I am an old member of the clan, The reason I left is because there was a lot of inactivity.
I would like to rejoin cause I miss being in a clan with a family like atmosphere and I miss being part of a clan in general.
What can I being to the clan?
Well I am a decent artist and I am almost always nice.
The mods I am good at?
I can be good at any mod just tell me the mod and I will learn to play it by creating moves and strategies.

Hope to hear from you soon.
Have a nice day.

Aerotack was a great member of SSMM into the early days of the clan being called Catalyst
he was an active poster
good ingame
i leave this vote up to the rest of the clan
also monsoom dont asume like that
he isnt crawling back he wanted to rejoin even before he knew we were official

@neko its a no from me your on an alt with a bought user name that belonged to a well known player now named meow
maybe later on you can apply again when you have made that name your own
Last edited by Calamity; Jul 4, 2015 at 08:05 AM.
I still take texture requests for usd