Originally Posted by Zephira View Post
My name is Alex , I am male age of 14 currently black belt . I live in upstate new york eastern -4 , my forum activity is kinda eh I check clan discussion and replay threads and I am constantly on the market . I'd personally say my in-game activity is 10/10 or at least 6+ , I used to make videos I am currently getting back into with my inspiration { mistertech } honestly I don't think I am very good but i've been secretly practicing and already have some WIPS ,
and personally I honestly don't take the time to release a fully edited video
I think I took time on this when it was suppose to be my only video

if you wanna get in contact with me I can send you my skype I really don't wanna release it to the public , I got in touch with [Aeon] because I saw my tricking inspiration Rune x3 and my bae sh0dy c; ;) well I guess this concludes the application
-replays I don't really keep my sp replays because over time I come to see that they are shit -


Missing important stuff (Read everything on the first page for hints). Also, it's not really a fluent text, so consider redoing it and making it more fluent.

Can't really make up my mind atm, so I'm staying neutral. Waiting to check (if you do it) the "new" one.

Anyway, good luck.
You'll never be half the man your mother is!