Endurance Onslaught 6.0
Original Post
[Monk] Clan League 2015
Hello monks, it is your friendly next door neighbour duck!

We are currently preparing for the most prestigious event amongst the MP events in toribash, The Clan League!

Breif Summary of the Clan League.
The Clan League is the most known MP event in toribash. In this very special, annual event, clans battle other clans in differing matches in a tournament-like fashion, all battling for the prestigious Clan League Trophy, and the winning clan´s name being remembered for quite some time!.

What is the purpose of this thread?
Basic organisation. We are currently in need of the average GMT of our members, so start posting your GMTs here. (If you do not know your GMT, you can check here).


After we deal with this issue, this thread is going to be used for organising player order in battles, and allocation of mods.
Start posting what mods you are good in.


The Appointments
ROUND 1 (done)
ROUND 2 (done)
2nd Chance Bracket
ROUND 1 (done)

So post up, keep your heads high and most important of all, Have Fun!
Last edited by BBKing; Jul 30, 2015 at 10:25 PM.