Originally Posted by JuaniXk View Post
I guess I should give this a go :P

1st replay - Decap. Yeah, opener is stiff as f.
2nd replay - Manip, not much else to say.
3rd replay - Splitcap with a little manipulation.

i would say no for now

gunslanger was well done but there is not much to comment on here, it is a very simple idea with fair execution. hard to judge based on it alone.

courtesy call was more like it, a replay with stuff going on. i do not appreciate the grab for the decap though, it is a sign that you were not able to control your tori and aim your kick well and resorted to grabbing, when you could have perfectly tweaked the kick with some more patience. the manip itself was like completely average.

look ma v2 is probably my favourite from the 3, but i am bothered by the fact that you blatantly ripped your hands off, and still did not use that to elevate the replay quality. i expected you to like punch uke hard and make a few dms, that would have been very impressive (and it would have been completely obvious that it was your intention). again, simple replay, which is not a bad thing but it is harder to judge people.
oh yeah