Originally Posted by Fear View Post
Taekkyon and lenshu are not fun mods to play competitively. Not really sure why they've been chosen as tourney mods - these mods hold a lot of potential for doing cool replay-worthy stuff, but you won't see it in these tourneys.
Both mods are pretty boring with linear play styles in this kind of environment: tk is about snapping and lenshu is about rushing then run/camp.
No, I'm not saying these tactics are unbeatable, I am saying it's fairly boring to play as/against, and the whole point of a game is to be fun right?

Suggest replacing these mods with aikidobigdojo/greykido/judofrac/aikido/rk-mma.

If you absolutely have to include a nograb mod like lenshu, make it a bigger tourney and increase the amount of turnframes.

For example, this is a very common sight:

Just now I realised this might be in the wrong place.

You are so miss informed. "TK is about snapping" and "Linear play styles", you couldn't be more wrong, well maybe at the noob level of TK you are playing, and your level of understanding it is. There is far more detail to TK than any other mod out there right now.

And then you talk shit about lenshu lol, which is / was a very popular dueling mod, it is also not liner in anyway. All no grab mods are much harder to play than grab mods.

These mods would make much better tourney rooms if the player base was more willing to try new things.

But you are right in mods like ABD being popular among the majority of players, so ye it makes a better tourney mod.

Also wushu_2015 for a month atleast DDDDD good to let this mod be at least tested
Last edited by FistofLife; Apr 28, 2015 at 12:10 AM.