Original Post
Hey guys,
I was invited by Icky to join the clan so I hope you don't mind me popping in here. I'll tell you a little about myself:
I joined the Toribash community in December 2007 as a youngin and was a bit of a tossbag. I got picked up by the Triforce leader, Ravenger, sometime in mid 2008 because I was relatively good at aikido or some shit. As Triforce started dying, I became their leader and saved the clan from inactivity. By this time I was decent at judofrac, wushu, tk, aikido and any -30 gravity mods. I was then scouted by SaintOwar and echomarine to join UrbanUnit, who had been my family for the last 6 (and a bit) years. At the prime of my activity, I ranked 6th in the world for number of GK tourneys won (single player and multiplayer), and 4th for multiplayer. I also lost to Icky in the 2008 world championships because he's a fucking bastard.

I dropped into inactivity because my computer stopped supporting Toribash in 2009 and afterwards, I had too much study to even think about gaming. It was a bit disappointing since I was a Promo-team member and Gamekeeper. But I still roamed the forums and was chuffed to see even in 2011 I was still ranked 10th for Multiplayer.

I'm quite gutted that my family was torn apart by the Clan Moderators. All the lads have fucked off to play LoL now. I don't see any of them thinking of playing tb again. So, I hope you guys can accept me into [Addicted].

Please don't expect too much from me in terms of activity and/or skill. My style is very old school and was 'decent' for 2009. Even if I was still at my 2009 skill level... I wouldn't be able to evenly face some of the top players nowadays. So I've got 6 years of rust to scrape off before you can expect any abd wins from me. Otherwise, if you plan to clan war with Lenshu or something similar, I'm your guy.

Now for the "real" stuff so you can get to know me:
Name: Alex
Age: 18
Sexual Orientation: Yes
Interests: Football (Liverpool! Woot), Guitar, Muay Thai
Occupation: 1st Year University Student
Nationality: Australian (Adelaide)

Thanks for reading guys
20/6/2008 [Triforce] → 1/12/2008 [UrbanUnit] → 26/4/2015 [Addicted]
Mówiem po polsku źle; fully qualified med student