New app - Nickroxit
Hey Ele,

I was looking to join a clan with Triton, since we get along so well all the time. He mentioned to me that you guys were cool, and then joined you. I just want to join a cool laid back clan. I went into the the IRC and got to know some of the people in there, and they all seemed pretty cool. You guys seem to be a clan that I would be honored to say that I'm a part of; maybe I can get to know you on a more personal level sometime.

Application below (if needed) \/ \/ \/

Hey, I'm Nick or Nickroxit. I'm an up and coming replay maker, but I'm also pretty good at aikido based mods. I know you guys are a personality-based clan, so I'm not gonna go into in game skill too much.

So a little bit about me... Let's see... I love to be athletic, so I do some sports in school. This leads to me being inactive sometimes, because of how busy I am with homework and such. I play trombone, which I'm in love with, if you ever feel like requesting a song for me to learn, I can do that by ear and that's basically my life.

I got into a strange game called Toribash a little over a year ago. I didn't play it for a while, then got really into it because it was a way inadvertently beat the shit out people (I was going through some stuff). Shortly after getting into the game, I met one of the best friends I'll ever have, tedster789. We went into the life of replay makers together and have stuck together ever since. I spar, trick, and parkour. He parkours. Monk was my clan for a very long time, then I met these really cool guys from a really chill clan called New Era. I just barely made it in because of my realism capabilities. I was only in this awesome clan for a few months until it's unfortunate demise. Before it's untimely death I got to know some of my best friends such as, Triton, Static, CounterAlt, and Galaxy.

I'm following the person in that clan that I was closest to, to this clan. That is Triton. Even right now he's acting like an idiot with me in a call. It would mean the world to me if I could keep on being in clans with him.

Thoughts, everyone? PMed a few people this, but I just figured it'd be easiest just post it here. Link's voted a not-so-strong, I-don't-know-the-guy-but-he-seems-ok yes and IIInsanEEE's given a flat no.

Nickroxit, join IRC and try to get to know everyone who goes there. Nobody really knows much about you, so it'd help if you made an impression there.