Hi, my app!
InGame Name: Haluejah, more like Hal.
Age:11, yeh im sowe yougue ;_;.
Belt: Im Brown Belt Almost Black Belt.
Country and timezone: Portugal(more like PROtugal,haha, did you get it?XD.
Active?: InGame (9-10), Forums, (5-10). Waz naine pluz ten? tweny wane!(im sorry the joke was there).
Mods?:Parkour, Tricking, Official Mods.
Why do you want to join Crucify?: 3 reasons,1st reason, story of your clan, its fckn awesome, 2nd reason, I know that all of you are awesome so... And 3rd reason, Crucify, the name just,just,just, makes me fell awesome.
Skaipe?: Mai name raight here: Haluejah.
EMS (Emergency Medical Services) | PT
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