
the opener and decap spin kick thing in pound was generic, but executed pretty well, i think its funny that your foot ghosted through ukes entire head, but everything after that wasn't very good. you looked pretty off balance most of the time, with your first punch not hitting anything in particular. it looks like you did an alright job of not flying up on the second punch, and i'm just guessing here, but by the way you flick your hand, it looks initially like you're going for a dm, but then you don't move your shoulder down enough and glance of him. was it hard to get the dm so you just decided to keep punching? i mean i'm not condemning you cuz its hard for me to get dms so like you know. if thats not the case then just dismiss that part. in any it the whole punching segment doesn't look very good. uke's shoulder dm looks kind of accidental, grabbing and flicking your wrist looked really twitchy, nothing in particular to say about the chest dm, it didn't really look like you tried on the transition to the pose, i mean compared to the start of the replay.

i think i'm seeing a pattern here in minip practice, cuz the first part was pretty bad, but the actually ending madman part looked alright. i'm pretty sure its some sort of rule for manipulation replays to not grab uke or something, but i don't really like manipulation replays, so idk. anyway kicking uke uselessly grabbing and spinning around didn't look very good. that spin at frame 720 was alright on its own, but you had a pretty good setup do to something really neato rather than relaxing a couple times. the shoulder dm looked a bit sloppy and unaimed, you should'v waited til after the kick to throw down your right arm for the spin. you should've edited out the the next leg swipe that didn't do anything imo, the back kick at frame 360 does nothing too, the hip dismember was cuz you bashed ur gluts into him. the way you hook your foot around ukes neck is really nice though, head skeet is cool, don't know why you took off your other wrist though. spins on the transition to the pose looked nice.

last replay is by far the best, cool if generic setup and twist, i feel like you could've gotten the splitcap if you really tried, i love that spin and cool cork setup thing after the decap, but you ruined your flow and momentum by grabbing ukes foot and pulling him towards you, nothing really to say about the next 2 dms, i wish you would've avoided ukes chest and arm touching your head cuz it looks neater when you dont.

its a no and always sorry for sounding like a jerk
wow that