Original Post
It seems inevitable that our forum will be closed down due to our lack of activity.
So I figure it's a good time to ask - where do you guys want to go from here? I know a lot of you are in the skype chat room, and quite a few are in the Steam group as well. If you're not and wish to continue having the capability of playing stuff with us in the future, I suggest you PM me or Pitch to add you to either/both. Ideas for games that we can play in the future(either co-op or against each other) are also welcome, except MMO's and MOBA's. If anyone has other ideas(I've been looking for a better means of communication than skype, but the fact that it's ubiquitous wins over the fact that it's terrible) for the future of this small community of intelligent/cool people we've made, do let us know.
One of three leaders of [Hunters]. Chat? Identify yourself: