Trying to catch up with all the activity here.
Originally Posted by Link View Post
Hang in there. Teaching is hard only if you're as smart or dumber than the learners.

I did teaching stuffs:
I was in martial arts. I was teaching people before I got my black belt. I became an associate instructor dude and had to help correct de'm black belts at times. It wasn't fun, but you shouldn't even worry too much if you're at least a bit more adept than your students. :P (some of them were 2 years older than me) I did my best never to contradict them. At the time, black belts obviously knew more than me, but sometimes they didn't notice something was wrong with there movements or form, etc.

Also Zelda, don't fret dawg ;O Find a way to go with he flow

I know this post was from ages ago, but I never got round to properly responding. Don't worry, it is nowhere near as hard as that, I find it easy to "teach" them. Whether they actually learn anything is an entirely different matter though. I feel sorry for them, not myself. Teaching kids I am better educated than does amazing things to my ego.

Originally Posted by ChuckNinja View Post
To truly substantiate my aspirations of joining this notable clan I made a jolly poem.

I call it Toribash Forumé

Toribash Forumé

The Staff quitted, in the forum lay the post,
The thread is latent, like a white wide band,
Towards the column's portal, users left and stand
In the thread, fools form and boast.

-ChuckNinja, 2014.

Poetry huh? I only write limericks.

I am not on good form today, sorry. I could find a couple I wrote earlier if I still haven't embarrassed myself too much. At least usually they rhyme properly rather than just phonetically.

There's a clan called too long; didn't read,
which everyone agreed would succeed.
It's members were all good
and they all understood,
that class is what toribash clans need.

I'm sorry it is so terrible.
My writing skills are just horrible,
perhaps once they were fine.
But on the final line,
I always exceed nine syllables.

Originally Posted by Redundant View Post
I would like to inform you that I also am a decent artist.
If you would like to view a sample of my work, please click here:
This is what I am currently working on:

Why is your art so sad? I thought you had recovered from depression, or have I oversimplified it massively in the worst, most unsympathetic and thoughtless way imaginable?

Originally Posted by Ele View Post
We'll teach you how to fly, man.

drops mic

Permission to make it a rule that all tl;dr members must end every post here with:

*[insert personalised action indicative of rejection and/or destruction of] mic*

Originally Posted by Ele View Post
I'm honered, but I can't take all the credit. I'd like to thank our absolutely wonderful founding team. Very critical to propping us up to where we are now, a week later :claps:

Ha, I refuse to include myself in this group. I just make posts talking about my life here. All the work is cut out for me by you hard working busy bees. Oh yeah, I would like to second this feeling of gratitude towards those who helped. I really don't deserve to call myself leader of this classy internet establishment but it happened so I ain't leaving.

P.s. Sorry I haven't been on IRC recently, I am shy and tend to say stupid, embarrassing stuff when in live conversation because I don't have enough time to hide my natural stupidity with long words I need to look up the meaning of. I am going on now.
Good morning sweet princess