Originally Posted by Daedalus View Post
Also I'm donating 12k to the cstart practicing too.ank. It isn't that much but is something. By the way, invite the vault account to the clan, just to make it visible ;)

EDIT: well, apparently it doesn't have enough qi to receive stuff yet.

Ahh, whoops. I'll fix that up when I'm home, asap.

Originally Posted by Daedalus View Post
It would be good since aikidobigdojo is the most played mod when it comes to wars, there are a lot of good players around there. So, we have you and IIInsane available to set up the wars for now. I hope you can hold it until more people are able to help.

I used to be pretty decent at the aikido mods, so I'll start practicing too. Thinking I should just grant everybody the Toriclan permissions to make wars, so it doesn't have to be held up by anything/anyone. What do ya's reckon?