It's not that I get heated its just that It's rude when someone contradicts what you said while trying to help someone else, makes me look dumb, although my tip wasn't far from the truth. Guan Yu and Zeus are good in Arena maybe in Joust, but when it comes to Conquest, those aren't gods that should be played against a Nox or an Osiris for example. I agree on Xbal not being strong right now but Hades isn't too bad, although he can't play as a reliable support, maybe he can play in mid or solo. On the other hand, Artemis is in the top 4 hunters right now when it comes to end-game. Her passive and CC make her extremely strong and is the only God that can reach such a high crit chance. Combine her crits with her attack speed ability and you got a damage machine tearing everyone apart. Her downside is that she doesn't have an escape, but with a support like Geb or Sylvanous it can be fixed. I believe the new map will mostly affect duo lane because of the buff change. Freya adc will most likely start to fall in popularity due to her demand of mana early game. Maybe we will see a decrease in Rama usage in duo since he requires so much mana from his clear. Way more than other hunters early game.
Creati0n is the WORST Smite player EVER