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Guru member profiles
Guru Profiles
(updated and revised)


The Great Mind Guru, exemplifying all knowledge.

The leader of [Guru]. He encounters opponents mostly in the Judo DM arenas, but goes everywhere else once in awhile. Although he may not appear as often as his fellow Gurus, he is constantly making examples of his own work alone. He has yet to reach half as many encounters as some of his fellow Gurus, but is dangerous nonetheless.


Guru of Chivalry, exemplifying mastery of the way of the knight.

A modest fighter versed in combat as well as valor. He prides himself in defense over offence. This is demonstrated both on the battle field as well as an application to every day situations; He will not seek out conflict but is quick to silence it should it come up. At times he is stubborn due to being well grounded in his beliefs, but this is to be expected from a knight who is a master of the code.


Guru of Fortitude. exemplifying mastery over defensive styles and damage resistance.

1,000,000 is a renowned fighter who uses inner strength in place of brute force to overcome his opponents. He prefers preventing damage to himself over dealing more damage to his enemy right away, countering attacks and biding his time until he has an opportunity to win. When he is attacking; 1,000,000 uses fast striking techniques instead of brutal attacks, and manipulates enemy attacks to his advantage if possible. If a match goes on too long, it is his solid constitution which allows him to wear down enemies and deliver a final blow. 1,000,000 is a man of steadfast determination and willpower, only giving up when all signs of victory are lost.


Guru of Insight, exemplifying inner wisdom and spiritual understanding.

A calm and collected individual who never loses focus. He has devoted countless years in deep meditation to unlock and discover the secrets of the world and his mind. With his vast spiritual insight and wisdom Mosier can look deep into complex situations, often finding a solution. His insight also allows him to peer deep into the soul's of others, seeing past deception and gaining a brief glimpse of their future (mostly just seeing their next course of action). This is especially useful in battle in order to accurately counter his opponents next move. However, while he can gaze into future of others he is unable to glance upon his own. As a result his counter is based solely on the next action of his opponent and their mistakes; "a smart man learns from his own mistakes, a wise man learns from the mistakes of others."

One day he fully obtained true insight, and with it the ability to forsee his own future and not just others. Unfournately, with this new insight he discovered true happiness and purpose could only be found outside of the battlefield.

He then departed from his fellow Gurus and set out on own...
Prehaps one day he will return, but I supose one would have to see the future to know if that will occur.

*time passes*

As fate would have it the Guru of Insight one day returned to his Gurus, bringing with him tales of mighty nations who stood strong... and their unfortunate collapse.

Due to his journey he had now held a greater wisdom and understanding of the world around him; his power of insight at a much stronger and focused state. Of course his insight still hasn't reached its potential.... for the quest of wisdom and understanding never truly ends.

No profile at this time.


Guru of Luck, exemplifying knowledge of manipulating chance.

Isha has a vast understanding of luck and how to bend it to his will. He uses this knowledge as well as his adept fighting skills to gain victory over his opponents in battle. However even though he knows how to manipulate chance, given it is a higher essence, he lacks total control and can still lose (one might say controlling chance, is a matter of chance in and of itself). Losing matches due to this occasionally frustrates him, especially when his "luck backfires" (commonly known as bad luck) and he suffers a humiliating defeat before the match barely even starts. Paired with the chance of a humiliating defeat is the chance of a painful one as well, such as his bones snapping during battle for no reason at all (a whole new meaning on the "break a leg" phrase). When things are going his way, Isha is usually a kind and merciful soul. Often he spares his opponent a quick defeat if they fail early in battle due to a simple error. However if his opponent comes into battle in an absent minded state, he will show no mercy in the slightest.

One day Isha departed. Fearing the unstable power he posessed would cause harm his fellow Guru's......

He felt it best to wonder the world alone.

*time passes*

He was recently spoted along side a union of powerful and feared warriors that hail from various corners of the world.
Did he somehow master his ability to control fate?... or is fate simply controling him?....

That is difficult to say, but what is certain is Isha will always remain one of the all-knowing..
if only from a distance.


Guru of Spinecracking, exemplifying mastery over lethal close combat maneuvers.

A brutal and merciless warrior to his enemies yet friendly and helpful to his allies. Sam loves to break the spines of his opponents, with his devastating signature move.. The Spinecracker. Paired with this joy are equally disturbing desires to remove the head of his challenger and sever his legs. Even with these somewhat gruesome desires he still enjoys fighting alongside and aiding his fellow Gurus. Often he trains alone perfecting his kicks and creating odd and yet humorous (to himself at least) lethal fighting moves. Also when training alone he will fall into a trance and enter a berserk-like state in order to train to his fullest with a disregard to pain (he would appear to be a "madman" if you were to see him training). Additionally, through his rigorous training methods he also has developed a heightened sense to feel the presence of those around him. This enables him to actually battle his opponent without even facing the opponent's direction. However due to his prime focus in close combat he is lacking skills in more distant fighting situations, though he makes up for this with his accurate throwing ability.


Guru of Balance, exemplifying skill in a wide variety of areas.

A fighter that knows the key elements of both offence and defense. He uses this knowledge to be well prepared regardless of the situation. Occasionally he is a tad stubborn but at the same time he is a good sport when it comes to a loss. In addition he is also a bit unpredictable due to his broadened fighting knowledge and the various moves that stem from it. Although he has knowledge of all fighting styles, he still prefers long close combat battles. Outside of the battlefield he is a generous person and enjoys helping others.
Last edited by lancer_c; Oct 20, 2007 at 12:05 AM.