Original Post
idm general
idm is relatively obscure and arguably a dead genre. it's hard to say what makes idm, idm. the avant garde (not so avant garde now, but it was definitely in the 90s) mixture of many different genres/styles/melodies such are breakcore, acidhouse, ambiance, some jazz elements, sometimes acoustics, what have you is what makes it unique. also, if you're new to idm (intelligent dance music) the label sounds pretty fucking pretentious, but a lot of idm musicians heavily detest the name. i love the idiosyncrasies of these artists

some of my favorite idm songs (i've posted some of these elsewhere)-


ooga booga

og benn jordan

the drunken feeling




mike's depression

Last edited by HolyShrimp; Dec 22, 2014 at 11:28 AM.