Hello fellow members of Ultimate Jak told me to apply here so here we go.

Well some of you may know me as MisterMat2 but I got a name change recently to Thanatos.A little about myself well i'm almost 17 2 more weeks,I live in spain due to my mom being spanish but i'm actually american.I love gaming and anything to do with gaming and also love art.A little about my past well I joined toribash in 2012 and didn't really like the game much at the start then I got hooked onto it joined a few clans some of them being Quantum,Marines,Echo,Obey and the last one i've been is Tint in Tint we were all like a family although the inactivity has kicked in even more since one of our favourite members has left toribash and most of the others are really inactive because of school.I came to ultimate looking for a clan with alot of friends and to count this clan as my new family.I have made some mistakes in the past that I regret in toribash never been banned but just random infracs and some bullying.
Hope you guys liked the app . If you have any other questions just ask.
[fl0w][Alpha][Catalyst][Submerge][Calamity][Swosh][Scourge][Colors][Neko][Miner][Kunt][deprav][Possesed][TMO-Leader][Proud Council member of TeamLenshu]