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The Flash: a "scary" story
The Adventures of Troy, Drew, and Kenny part 3: The Flash

“What happened to the virus?” “It got out of the lab. It's headed to the small town of *thw twon name has been removed because I felt like it*. It will more that likely be a dead zone, no one will live.” The two people waled out of the lab and outside they saw a kid running back to town. “Well there it goes.”

It was a slow ride on the bus. Drew was thinking of everything that had happened. He watched as Devin ran off into the woods. As his house rolled up to his house he had one thing on his mind, food. He went inside and got a hot pocket and saw no one was home so he got on his computer and got on Xfire. His two friends, Troy and Kenny, were already on. “Hey shorty,” typed Troy. Well it was true, Drew was short and had hair below his shoulders. And Troy was the tallest of all of them, but was built like a string bean. Kenny, who was fat like Drew, was the slowest.

As the Friday night went on the three friends noticed that there was no one. At home, outside, or in town. Kenny said he'd try to go to Drew's house but but he lived on a hill. Drew waited at his house and then the door bell rang. Troy walks in with his PS2 and a game. They set it up and start playing, and after some time Troy get up to get some food. But he sees a flash. “Hey, did you see that? It was like some flash, maybe there's going to be a storm,” says Troy. “Yeah, I hope Kenny gets here soon.”

An hour later the door blows open and Kenny comes running in. “Guys! Guys! Everyone's dead!” “Slow down Kenny. Now what are you smoken'?” asked Troy trying to clam his friend. “OK I started to walk through town when I herded a weird sound. It was about the time a flash happened. I started to look around town and I saw every one dead,” yelled Kenny. “Guys,” started Drew “what we need to do is-.” He was cut off by a face at the window. It was black with red lips. “OK we need to get to my house.” said Troy.

As the trio ran over to Troy's house they heard a voice far off but loud. “SHOOP DA WHOOP!” They walked into the house and Troy lead them to the back and Troy opened the door to the shed. Inside they saw a truck full of weapons. Drew grabbed a knife, Kenny a rocket launcher, and Troy a flamethrower.

The three of them waited out the night and Drew looked at the clock. It read 12:01am. Troy heard footsteps at the door and Kenny fired a rocket at the door. Troy looks out the window and sees his sister dead. “Oh my gosh! You killed my sister,” yelled Troy. Kenny ran off crying and Troy started after him.” Leave him,” said Drew.

As the night rolled on they were starting to think they had dreamed the whole thing up. “OK I think we should look around town,” started Troy. “And,” Drew added” who put you in charge?” Troy opened the door and saw his baby sister blown to bits, all that was left was her legs. They began to walk to town when they saw a figure down at the end of the road. “I'm firing my laser,” it yelled. “Oh snap,” said Drew. The two jumped into a tree, missing the laser by an inch. The figure walked away, to town. “We have to kill it,” whispered Drew. “Why are you whispering?” “Don't know really.”

Right before they hit the school they saw every one dead. Not a single person was alive. Most of them looked like Troy's sister. Then they saw another flash. “He's close,” said Troy “must be at the school.”

They found one of the doors open and went in. After about five feet the door slams closed. They tried to use the phone in the office, but the line was dead. “Stupid phones never work,” said Troy. “Well great we can't get out, the phones are dead, and there's a killer in the house.” “Right but it's not like there's some one else in-” Troy was cut off by some on walking down the hall. “Hey guys,”the person called out to them. “Oh hey Devin,” they both said in a pissed off tone. “So what are you guys doing in here?” “Wow, I was going to ask you the same thing,” said Drew.

What seemed like forever had pasted and they had found someone still alive. Troy knew who he was. His name was Ben and he was in band with him. “Are you OK,” asked Troy. “Yeah only got hit in the-.” Ben was cut off by a look from Devin. “Hey Ben you mind taking me to the bathroom?” Devin and Ben walked off to the closes bathroom, this left Drew and Troy to keep looking around for people. Both of them, Troy and Drew, heard something. “I'm firing my laser! SHOOP DA WHOOP!” They saw a flash that was bright blue and started to run to it. “It's the killer. We have to go,” yelled Drew.

Devin was crying over by a pair of what looked to be legs but there was to much blood around the hole in the wall and the floor to tell. “Did you see who did this?” “No I was in the stall over there,” cried Devin. “Well lets check the art room next,” said Troy. “Who put you in charge?” Devin asked. “Hey I already asked that!” Drew yelled. They left the bloody bathroom and started down the dark hall going to the art room. AS they passed the math room they saw a small group of people. Devin stayed behind while Troy and Drew kept going.

Once they got in the art room, the door locked. “Oh great now we are sitting ducks.” They saw another bright blue flash the was coming from the math room. The watch as Devin made his way to the window and he looked different. He had a big black head with crazy eyes and red lips. “HE'S THE KILLER.” Drew yelled. A laser blasted the door off and Devin walked in. “Well we're boned.” Troy said. “I'm charging my laser!” The two of them ran behind some desks and tried to hide. Troy pulled out is flamethrower and began to move closer to Devin. At this point Devin was half way done with his laser and you could see the blue if it. Troy aimed at Devin and started his flamethrower. White hot flames began to burn Devin's skin but his laser kept charging. Tory got back to where Drew was because he knew his attack did little to nothing. “I'm firing my laser!” As Devin yelled that Kenny barrel rolled through the window and pulled out his shotgun. In mid air he yelled, “I'm firing my shoty!” He pulled the trigger and a spread fire hit Devin in the legs, making him fall to the ground. But as he was falling Devin blasted his laser. Hit hit a window and came right back down on Kenny. “OH MY GOSH! YOU KILLED KENNY!” yelled Troy. “You fat head!” With Devin back on the ground Troy ran back up to him and began the torch him again. After some time Drew pops up yelling “My rofl knife goes slice slice slice!” Drew jumps up and tries to hit Devin but misses. “The rofl knife demands blood, Devin.” says Drew. “I'm charging my laser!” Then he stabs him in the throat. He slowly pulls it out and the watching the blood run down his neck and his blade. “Oops... I swallowed my...” says Devin barely getting it out as he dies.

Troy and Drew walk out of the window Kenny rolled through. They start off to their homes and when they get there they got on their computers and got on Xfire.

The End

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Last edited by kjhg53; Nov 7, 2008 at 08:33 AM.
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