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[HELP] Can anybody please help me out?
I made a mod a few days ago, exported it and uploaded it, Had confirmation notice that it uploaded fine, 24 hrs later still not loading in multiplayer.

So i went to mods section on site and made a copy of the text for the mod and made a fresh notepad file under a different name, again confirmation successful, and pm'ed a mod that had seemed to be helping people out with broken mod files on the forums.

I have not had a reply from him/her yet but I figured what harm could asking here do and see if any of the community could help.

the mod name is acroballjoust.tbm if somebody could retrieve it and take a look and try to figure out why it wont load in multiplayer I would be grateful.

I also made a much simpler Mod before acroball which was playable in multi in around 20 minutes which is why I am questioning this one now after 3 days almost.