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How do you run on special surfaces?
Hey guys.

So ive been getting into parkour lately, and do well most of the time. I can run just fine on the standard white ground, but my tori flips backwards when running on created objects in mods, such as raised platforms. I use a normal running launcher, contract hips and abs, relax wrist, pecs, and shoulders, and contract elbows, then i do the standard motion with your legs.

This method does not work on created surfaces though. This is what i look like when trying to run: . meanwhile i see swexx and largekilla like . I was wondering if someone could post a replay of them running on these surfaces so i can memorize the launcher, or if you could maybe post the joint movements as well as frames between each move. I would like the run to look flowy, realistic looking run, if possible, however, if anyone has a standard, primarily hold based run that focuses on functionality, that would be fine, too.

I would appreciate any help you can give me

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