Originally Posted by ImmortalPig View Post
You could play techies as more of a support, use your time pulling, stacking and mining, kind of similar to the way you might play a support CM or batrider. If you have solo lane you can play more like bh, leaving lane and hiding while mining.

Also if you are against a ranged hero I would start mining near an escape route, that way if you get low just run through the mines to safety.

Just had another great techies game ))
I admit, I am shit tier MMR but it's still fun
Had 5 kills and 1 legit death, 8 assists, 1 succesful suicide attack

Stacking mines in those small roads between the trees is just too great
remote detonation mine on ancients
road to enemy secret shop

oh god this is so fun. The inherent wards in the remote det mines is also great. I really think that you need mid until at least level 8, because mine power rapidly drops off as the enemy levels and gets a bit of support
f=m*a syens