Original Post
Kradel's Tips & Tricks: Never Code Again!
Don't you hate coding repeatedly to move a picture, change some images around, some text banners etc... Well there is no need to do this. On Mozilla Firefox, once you have completed a code, whether it be [B], [S], [IMG], [COLOR]. When you go on edit it won't show you the coding. It will show you the images, boldness or whatever the coding did! And best part is, it lets you minimize, rotate, widen, lengthen images too. So you don't need to keep re-creating the image and uploading it. In fact, there is no need to upload images either. Simply copy that image and paste it onto your reply box, it will paste the image. Why? Cause Firefox, that's why. Here is an example of what it Mozilla Firefox editing on TB looks like:


Now this image was uploaded to an image hosting site and as I am writing this it is currently in code. Once I post this thread it will become an image, of course. Then when I click edit it will stay as an image! For easy times with coding, download Firefox.