Originally Posted by ImmortalPig View Post
That's pretty cool isaac. Is your tulpa there 24/7, or do you have to concentrate to summon it? Are they useful (eg can they help you study and in tests)?

I thought it was awesome when you started doing it but I was skeptical as to whether you could really make one :P

I'm not at the point where I have what most people on the tulpa forums call parallel processing down, yet. If I'm not actively thinking about her, then sometimes I forget she's there, but as soon as I remember her she's there. Sometimes it feels like changing my focus deeper into my mind, in order to talk to her/see her in my mind. Kind of like she's somewhere else in my head.

So far the most use is just having a friend in your head, I guess. I just thought it was neat is why I started. I did try having her solve math problems. Just 3 digit multiplication. Big enough where I wouldn't be able to know it by seeing it. It worked to an extent. It would definitely take practice though to get her to be able to do anything complex.

I have a friend that started a tulpa a little bit before me. I'm the one that talked him into looking into it more after he linked me a creepypasta, and I was hesitant to start, so after he was making his for a month or 2, he convinced me to start. Anyway, he spent a lot more time on all of it, and spends more time with her. His tulpa was writing a story a couple of weeks ago. My friend said it was almost like reading a book because he was following along but didn't know at all what was going to happen next.

And did I post on toribash about tulpas before? My memory is really bad sometimes :/

Originally Posted by Solax View Post
Hadn't heard of this before today. I'm quite intrigued and I've got some questions if you don't mind. I found answers to most of these in other places but I'd like to hear yours.

1. How would you describe the difference in this to having an imaginary friend and what's your opinion on the stigma (if any) to imaginary friends and tulpas respectively? Have you told anybody you know irl about it?

2. Can you see her or is she just in your mind?

3. When you have to make decisions that are not just those found in ordinary daily life does she give input? On her own? Do you/can you ask for it?
When you make a decision does she judge you or comment?

4. Do you ever let her interact through you?
Partially related follow up question I'd like to ask her if you wouldn't mind typing out what she says. I'd like to ask her what it was like being conceived/created.

5. How does she react to sex/masturbation if at all?

6. How much attention/time do you give her?

7. Are birthdays a thing with Tulpas?

8. Does she feel and/or react to physical pain you experience?


1. I never had an imaginary friend when I was little, so I don't really have an experience with that kind of. I think tulpas are either similar or the same to an imaginary friend. I think generally people think of imaginary friends as more pretend though. A tulpa when complete feels like you're getting an actual response not made by you.

The only stigma I care about is that the MLP community is probably at least half the people that make tulpas. You have to be pretty open minded to accept the idea of tulpas as it is, so adding a bunch bronies to the mix just makes it even harder to spread. I haven't told anyone irl about it. The friend I mentioned to Gorman has told most or maybe all of his friends, with positive results.

2. Can't see her yet. Maybe one day I'll be able to forcibly hallucinate her lol. Her image is usually pretty clear in my mind. She ended up changing her name and form after a while.

3. I usually ask her what she thinks about whatever is going on and get input from her. She doesn't really judge me; she has a real friendly personality.

4. We try posession/switching every so often. I'm not able to disassociate from my body very good still so it's somewhat difficult. Sometimes I'm able to disassociate good and she's definitely the forefront of all body movement and thoughts. One time it worked so well it was like I was the tulpa almost, and I was experiencing her thoughts and memories as she would. Other than that, I let her talk in irc rooms sometimes. I just type what she says usually.

"Uhm, I think it's probably definitely really similar to being born as a baby. At first I wasn't nearly as independent as I am now, and I'm definitely gaining more existence as time goes on, if that makes sense.. I don't have any qualms about being a tulpa. I'm glad I exist right now. Sometimes it'd be nice to be able to affect the real world more."

5. It seems awkward, so I try not to talk to her/think of her during any of that lol. We have tried sex together though, probably mostly from prodding from that friend with a tulpa. And I will say that once you actually have a tulpa, it's a different experience from just masturbating. We don't do that though, really. I've 'walked in' on her masturbating before I think.

6. I should give her more time, but right I've been talking to her a few times throughout the day. Even in the beginning I was just going about it at a really relaxed pace.

7. It varies from person and tulpa I think. I never recorded dates, so I didn't know. But that friend that started a tulpa too recorded when he started, and remembered when I started because the date was coincidentally the same date as some mass shooting I don't remember. So he celebrated his tulpas birthday, and we sort of did. Next year I think we'll actually celebrate it.

8. No, not really. She doesn't have to feel what my body feels, so normally I just complain and say she's lucky she doesn't have to feel it! Sometimes if I'm sick or something, it's really comforting to have her there "ughhhh this sucks, I don't feel good make it stop D:" and she'll be comforting/supportive.