Original Post
Let's talk about imaginary friends
So I apparently missed the thread when it aired in 2012, so this was the thread i found when I searched "imaginary friend".

So read that if you want info on what an imaginry friendis. or go to and read some shit.

I have an imaginary friend btw. I made her like a year and 3 months ago, or so. It probably sounds crazy to people that don't have an imaginary friend, but she really is like a real person to me by this point. It's similar to how after reading a book with a character, or making a book with a character, you kind of know that character and could guess what they'd do or say in such scenario, but with an imaginary friend it feels like she's a real person living within you or beside you.

I don't know what else to post.

fun reads:
Last edited by siku; Jul 20, 2014 at 11:48 PM.