Original Post
Matarika the War Goddess
This story begins with the birth of a very unlikely hero. She was born in Lionshire during a time of war in the land during the 1400s. Her mother and father both farmers, were thrown into this battle, when on an unexpected afternoon, drunk soldiers came knocking on their door.

They broke it down, and threw her father on to the floor. They raped her mother and stole everything they could find in the house. In the back room sat Emily Cooper, their first born little infant lying in her crib. The soldiers had slaughtered the parents, and made their way back to the room. One lead soldier kicked the door down, he wobbled into the room laughing at the crying baby. He picked up the Emily by the arm. Mocking her tear covered face. The soldier finally drops the baby back into the crib. He gestures for the other soldiers to burn the house down at once.

The soldiers surround the house with black tar, having a merry old time. They throw their torches into the tar setting the house a blaze. The room caved down around the baby, crying loudly. Fire erupted around the room. The crib falls over sending the baby rolling on the floor. The soldiers ride off back into town laughing at the babies demise.

Emily lifts her head. She looks around crying violently as wood collapses around her. She sees an opening ahead, that the fire had cleared. She begins crawling, while still crying towards it. Right when she makes it out, the entire house collapses. The baby continues crawling out into the field, hoping to escape the smoke and fire.

A man on a black horse rides up to the baby. He looks down as Emily looks up tears rolling down her face. The man whispers, "there isn't much time."

He picks up Emily and rides to his cottage near by. He sets her on his bed and looks out the window. Armies arise over the hill coming towards them. He looks back at the baby with horror in his eyes. He runs to his bag, he gathers two blue stones. He says a magical chant, "Haltar moondose, Maydure" A large portal opens up in the room. Papers fly every where and chairs fly into the walls. Emily begins wailing loudly once more. The man picks Emily up and looks in to her eyes, "you will one day return, and you will save us all." He tosses the baby gently into the portal.

Emily flies throughout the wormhole, blue spirals and flashing yellow lights appear. The yellow lights become larger, and larger, and larger. She then feels hands around her waist, as she tumbles through the portal. Everything vanishes as she meets eye to eye with a man in a business suit. He cradles her to his chest. A woman with brown hair comes up, "is she alright?!" The man nods to his wife, "lets get this baby out of the street, she almost got hit by a car!"

Emily's life was different growing up. She went to a normal school, but excelled in physical activities such as gym and sports, but not academics. The guys looked up to her. The girls envied her. Emily had a new name, Matarika. She went through all her years of school and into college. She barely graduated.

Matarika, walks over to her roommate, "Hey Sarah, do you ever feel, like your different, like you were made for something better, then this repetitive life?" Sarah shakes her head, "i don't believe so mata, get out more, that should help. Oh and by the way some creepy dude with a black dog, left these weird stones for you."

Matarika looks at Sarah's hands, "stones?" matarika picks them up and observes them. She scratches it slightly with her nail, revealing words, she begins reading it, "Haltar moondose, Maydure, what the fuck does... Ouch!" the rock emits a blue spark. She drops them on the floor, they hit the ground blasting A large portal into her room. Matarika is blown back into the wall. Sarah covers her face. Papers and covers fly across the room. Matarika looks towards the portal, "Sarah! What is happening!" Sarah begins crying loudly, "i don't know! Make it stop!"

Matarika gets up steadily as the winds resist her. She reaches for the rocks on the ground struggling, the winds respond by sucking in, Matarika flies into the portal.

Sarah looks up as the portal disappears, "oh shit I'm in big trouble."

Matarika lands in dirt, rolling around. She brushes her self off. She looks around, all she sees is wooden debris and soldiers marching around in the distance. She looks down as her whole outfit has changes, she is equipped with an arm blade, and a shield. She is wearing armor. Emily looks around confused. A man with a black horse rides up beside her. He looks down at her, she looks up at him timidly. He reveals his face scars, Matarika do you know what you must do. She looks at the ground hesitantly, then looks back up, "who am i."

He gets off his horse, "you are matarika, daughter of Kee'li and Hon'ti, 14th generation of the gifted War Mages, you are Matarika: The War Goddess, and you are here to liberate your people.


Thank you for reading, i tried to keep this short, so sorry if it felt a bit rushed.
There are more along the story-line of mata to come. Some will be about her times at school, some will continue her adventures liberating her people, who knows where the stories could go next.
Howdy, I'm Mod Squad & The Social Media Manager @ Nabi Studios , if you have any modding or social media questions PM me or DM me on Discord: Matarika#5297