Criticism is fine, as long as you're actually raising legitimate points, but that there is not what i would call constructive criticism. I agree that the font is terrible, but that has to do with the fact that Arial apparently changed all of a sudden, and without my consent. If i can figure out how, i might have to make a custom font for this. :I
Originally Posted by Mzebra View Post
Generic intergalactic shump


Anyhoo, haven't been doing much lately, since i NEARLY developed tendonitis in my left wrist (a bit too much One Finger Death Punch for my mousing hand to handle), and thus had to be careful with too much mousing and typing and what not. Chartle's still working on and off on sekrit cool things, from what i know. :v
<Blam|Homework> oiubt veubg
various places to find me lol