Original Post
Let us a chance.
what you think about ask to the market squad if it's possible to change the infraction system, because they infract before any explain.
example(and I know I'm not alone):
in request thread, I post some pics of my tori and I asked if someone can redraw some tribal things, a gm infract me because: A) Do not use other peoples art work to demonstrate what you want, this encourages plagiarism. but No! this is My tori. if he asked: "this is your tori?" Ill say "Yes" he: "you can prove it?" and I post some pics with my name and that's all. Yes am I angry because if I take another infract but for something true, am I banned... that is not cool, so I ask to the Squad, can you please ask before infract, this is the second time for me and this is boring, or explain to me, I can understand I'm not stupid.
Elle couuurt, Elle coooourt! LA MAAAAaaaAaladiiiie d'amOOoour! Dans le c... (cœur) des enfaaants! De 16 à 77 ans!