Original Post
Memory Palace
It'd be more surprising to me if people here haven't heard of it. But my view is skewed so I'll give a link and a brief explanation. is the link.

"Memory palaces are a way to remember things based upon the fact that it's easier to remember locations and visuals rather than 'information'. It works by creating a place in your head from a place you've been to before, that you can then put mnemonics for the things you need to remember. It works best if it's silly and exaggerated." is my brief explanation.

So this method is good for grocery lists, and other mundane lists. I used to think it wouldn't work very well for second language vocabulary acquisition, especially because my second language of choice is Japanese which has kanji. I'm still set that remembering kanji with a memory palace is too inefficient to be worthwhile. Words themselves though, I've decided to give a try. I'll log my progress here, and anyone else can comment with their own memory palace related things.

Entry 1


Entry 2:


Entry 3:


Last edited by isaac; Jan 25, 2014 at 01:17 AM.