I think yesterday although I only played one game showed a good point. It was like 9 vs 2 and you'd think that we would have the advantage then right? I think clans should be rewarded in wars for having more players and I think the best way to do this is if it is looser chooses mod. Just using yesterday as an example our 9 players spread out had skills in all mods, TK, RK, Wushu, etc.. Where as there 2 members had skills in less mods since there was less members. If the War is in just 1 mod, then the amount of players you have means nothing. That is just how i'd like to see wars in the future, as I think playing as a team should be rewarded.
Obey are better than us in ABD no doubt so congrats to them for winning the war!! I hope we could do a rematch in a mix of mods in the future.

Welcome Handler!!