I have a Bamboo, it's quite fine, although you may have to get used to the comparatively small drawing area, which is aboooout the same size as an open medium-sized hand with fingers pressed up against each other. There's just one thing you should be aware of, however; if you're like me and do fairly quick strokes next to each other, it might interpret those strokes as double-clicks:

It's ridiculously hard to get rid of that, but it is possible to mitigate it a lot. If you can get a tablet for a similar or slightly higher price that DOESN'T do this, however, you're pretty much set. Or maybe your computer doesn't do this, since it doesn't seem to be a consistent issue. Either way, besides that little kink, it works nicely.
<Blam|Homework> oiubt veubg
various places to find me lol