Endurance Onslaught 6.0
Originally Posted by AlphasoniK View Post
I think I'm switching out Shadow Blade for Yasha into Manta late game.

get rid of the shadowblade later, but dont trade it for a manta, its not much of a trade up.

Originally Posted by AlphasoniK View Post
Kind of disagree about the illusions being useless, they do mad damage!
The extra agility is nice too.

can get the agility usign the same item and more HP for cheaper with Sange n Yasha.
Juggernaught mostly gets his damage from crits and raw damage item.
Images damage is based off jugs agility, so unless you got a butterfly, your imagse just wont hurt.
S&Y is 850g cheaper and can be bought with little items instead of saving 2100g straight for an ultimate orb.

Originally Posted by AlphasoniK View Post
I need the level of stats for the Blade Fury into Omnislash combination.

get 3 branches at the start of the game and get a magic wand, problem solved.
the early branches helps with last hitting at the start 3 extra damage when you only have like 45 base is pretty usefull.
a bit more mana and wands are a pretty sustainable source of HP/mana regen.

Originally Posted by AlphasoniK View Post
And thanks Matt, that's mighty kind. I'm such a noob with trading, I have no idea what everything is worth haha.

hit dota2lounge.com and use it as a reference, search and see what people are asking for items befor trading them, or see if i have the item first, asking friends is generally a good way of not getting ripped off.

Originally Posted by AlphasoniK View Post
I can think about switching Drum for another item with better value for money but I can't think of one..

ring of aquilla, serves the same purpose, cheaper to get and the items are more usefull for early DPS.
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