Originally Posted by ImmortalPig View Post

Try dieing with some souls and humanity using the dark sign, and see if they are recoverable.

Like I said, it does not create a bloodstain, it destroys the humanity and souls. When you die regularly it creates a bloodstain and you can recover them.

Dark sign is not the same as dieing, despite what the description tells you. Jalis claims it is the same, which it most certainly is not, in which case it is another glitch.

If Jalis is just shit posting and actually it is not supposed to let you recover your souls and humanity, then it's not a glitch but the description is incorrect.

Try actually using the item and you can observe the failure first hand.

I repeat what Jalis said. Can you even read? Why does it matter if you can't understand the simple interworkings of a game? You get killed. You come back to life as a hollow-thing (too dense to remember the name) and you have one chance to return to your former self. If you die on the journey there, you bwgin again as a hollow-thing. Is this really that hard for you to understand? That's exactly what the description tells you, and that's exactly what everyone else is telling you. If you can't understand, stop responding, because that's the best answer you're gonna get.

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I think I might be retired.