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Super Meat Boy

The game where you jump to a wall and then do a walljump coolly... on a sawblade. Or attempt to fall to a platform only to miss by a pixel and fall on a pile of salt instead. Or you accidentally break that one crumbling block that you weren't supposed to break. Or you get smashed by meat golem's sudden head smash... The game where you die a LOT.

Super Meat Boy is a fast-paced platformer often compared to older platformers such as Super Mario Bros. and Mega Man in terms of gameplay and difficulty. You are Meat Boy, a cube of meat, who must save his girlfriend Bandage Girl from a jealous Dr. Fetus. Between you and your goal are over 300 levels with many different obstacles of pain and suffering, including sawblades, salt, syringes, lava, weird flying things that devour you, mutated maggots... Along with a boss fight for each area.

There are 14 areas, 7 Light World areas and 7 Dark World areas. Dark World areas are harder versions of the Light World areas. Many levels also have Bandages in them placed in a place that is more difficult to reach. There are also Warp Zones, where you have only three lives to complete a set of levels. Plus there are Glitch Zones that appear randomly in any chapter save for the last.

And that isn't even all! For completing Warp Zones, Glitch Zones and collecting Bandages, you can get new characters! Such as Head Crab, Naija, The Kid... There are many, each of them referencing to other games, each with different skills, such as Commander Video being able to float for a moment.

In other words, for a simple platformer game Super Meat Boy is bound to give you many, many hours of entertainment... As long as you don't mind dying a lot due to missing a pixel. The game is made by Edmund McMillen (The Binding of Isaac, The Basement Collection) and Tommy Refenes, along with the music made by Danny Baranowsky (The Binding of Isaac along with many more). oh dog.

It costs $13,99 in Steam, though the Flash prototype is still available for free. It doesn't feel the same as Super Meat Boy, but hey, if you like that, you'll definitely like Super Meat Boy!
It's also available in Xbox Live Arcade.

Totally recommended for everyone who like platformers, fast-paced games and unforgiving difficulty.

Dr. Fetus riding a walking chainsaw machine with Bandage Girl tied in the back. Oh dog.

After clearing a level there's a replay shown with all your other attempts prior to the winning run. It can be rather hilarious
to watch especially in a level with +100 deaths.

LASERS!! Obviously fatal.
Last edited by Tonakai; Dec 15, 2013 at 08:30 PM.