[00:56] <Fear> that's enough #frost for me
[00:56] * Fear (Fear@toast.hq) has left

Meanwhile, in #Enigma...

[01:00] <Slau> have fun outside of #frost k
[01:00] <Slau> <3
[01:00] <Fear> I will
[01:00] <Fear> no I won't
[01:00] <Fear> I'll miss the absolute silence
[01:01] <Fear> it made me who I am today
[01:02] <Slau> yes
[01:02] <Slau> silence is golden
[01:02] <Fear> remember that time it was silent?
[01:02] <Fear> it happened just after it had been silent for a few days
[01:03] <Slau> yes
[01:03] <Slau> ha ha
