Endurance Onslaught 6.0
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Karos Rosh
Surely you must have some doubts and questions about all the options that exist in the game . Do not worry, this guide you will find all the answers to these questions and can start to enjoy amazing gaming experience in Karos .

Getting Started
In this guide you will find a detailed , step by step, all you have to do to download the game client , urge and start to play . You can also view a detailed description of all the keyboard commands and mouse used in Karos . In addition , we include a list of recommendations for your first steps in the game that will explain , by ejemplo , with qua characters you must interact first to get quests that give experience.

The world of Asmara
This world has a great story , full of heroes and legendary battles . In this guide you will find two accounts with which you can know everything that happens in Asmara and start your path to become a legendary hero . You can also see a detailed guide of all the character classes available in the game with all your skills and levels of expertise.

Playing Karos Chronicles of Rosh
In the world of Karos you can embody any character type , specialized in the use of swords , bows and firearms or capacitated to use magical powers of all kinds. Below we offer you a complete breakdown of these heroes and all their skills

The Story of Karos

After the war Leg Broccion the continent of the planet Asmara, the forces in conflict met in a neutral position. All procuravem Fletta energy and gems, the remaining fragments of the power Cafenrilan. For 500 years the forces clashed in groups large and small across the continent, all with the intention of strengthening his power base.

Hass, the Emperor, he pursued the scattered energy of Fletta across the continent to win the Malyx the Unstoppable, the heir to the throne of Darkness, it has set a seal. Kera's girlfriend Malyx and Queen of Darkness, was chasing Hass and secretly wanted to rule the world with an iron fist.

After nearly a hundred years of arms race without incident , as the forces of Light and Darkness were concentrated on building its military and economic forces both began to feel anxious when they realized that the gems Fletta were running .

Due to fear that there might not be enough remaining gems Fletta to release the seal Malyx forces of Darkness began the task of sacrificing countless living beings , including members of his own army . During Leg War ( 612-623 ) , having reached the limit of sacrificing everything they could , the forces of darkness gathered all the soldiers who were still able to fight, and sent the rest to require deposits of gems Fletta and mines , mobilizing a force of renewed energy had not seen in a hundred years ( 660 ) . During this time , a growing number of people disappeared , regardless of whether they were involved with energy or gems Fletta . Each force was involved in their intelligence networks to find out why.

In año 666 , the force of Darkness discovered that Malyx would turn into ashes if you do not bring forth out the seal in time. Even more surprising was that Reth , the heir to the throne of Light , also turn into ashes if the forces of darkness get Malyx release ( 662 ) . Groups in the strength of the Light fiseram a pact to share the jewels Fletta and power down control to ward off the forces of darkness and save the heir . The pact was held in a meeting known as the Convention and Fletta Federation Cafenril , the name of their god of Light However , the lack of gems Fletta led to an internal conflict within the ranks of the Federation Cafenril . As a result , the Federation changed its strategy to a more aggressive stance : A war to restore all power Fletta the hands of the forces of Darkness !

Now, the forces of Darkness have a show of your own poison. The Federation decided to give all mines Fletta OWNED in private as an incentive for those that want to require the enemy. In addition, any hero who was able to destroy the soul of Malyx, the heir to the throne of Darkness, and eliminate Kera would be designated as emperor of the planet Asmara.

Every Asmara became a perfect battlefield for warriors wanting to control and extract energy from the mine Fletta and prove their ability. But taking into account the forces of Darkness would not be an easy task.

Now the way is open to anyone who wants to demonstrate his bravery. You think you can be the champion of Karos and triumph? Or die trying?

Only you can write your own destiny ...

A História de Rosh

aros , chronic Rosh ... The destruction of the old land , the beginning of new era .
Karos Chronicles of Rosh Brazil
After proving the energy Fletta and realize that the struggle between the forces of Light and Darkness were virtually indestructible thanks to these powerful attributes , the hope that something could recover in Asmara was lost altogether.

The soldiers lowered their arms and gave vanquished by the magicians could no longer focus their mana to cast spells . Breeds of Light and Darkness were devastated so much destruction among themselves .

They say that in the year 700 , many beings of earth riquísima Asmara disappeared after the killings of the Dark Gods and the fear that they would not let ningém never raised his voice .

The more time passed , more poverty and destruction contaminating each of the beautiful countryside of the continent , where many warriors ever had rarely held his stay there . The death of the great sages and the lack of Karos the territory would not let more than anguish in the heart of every brave , wounded and without faith that something could change .

Hope ...
Pray every night and get up with a panorama sad and sen life was the only way for a young gunner who lived north of Peltrok the majestic desert. A noble Craftsman forging weapons and armor with energy rays from his heart , which kept very quietly revenge ever conceived by the inhabitants of this world .

Spent dozens of years and the young gunner was growing amid the desolation and suffering , seeing castles harassed by the same forces , mines that could offer major elements were squandered by greed of individualism , he only vía lack of support , a little strategy and great poverty teamwork among their peers .

Becoming a leader and taking charge of a small group of people with a common cause , decided one night to deliver each of your weapons to your teammates . Everyone looked at each other , since they considered a real crazy trying to get closer to the castle contaminated by evil , much less the mines filled with horrible creatures that could kill them in an instant .

Lacking any kind of fear , this wise gunner asked his companions to rely on attributes of their weapons . The noble and trustworthy group shivered in their souls , for there was a huge panic of losing their lives in the attempt. However , one of the magicians took his staff with confidence and a bright light to this very moment bathed golden clothes that left nearly blind to those around her . No shiver every umo did the same , realizing that this craftsman was able to improve with a special dowry every weapon and armor, so that could devastate Maybe even energy Fletta ...

Bent on the way to the castle , the night shone around the explosions arrows boats , smoke and fire surrounded Berneo , only if we heard screaming to death ...

The fight , the warriors sharpen their swords with the attributes that this craftsman had prepared , the magicians they recite their incantations , the lights of wisdom and truth begin to open fire and far away, the majestic crystal, bathed in darkness and Fletta energy . It seemed quite impossible , because the way were those who tried to get to touch it .

Dark energy begins to turn the large field , trying to reach this group of bright young people , but it was a surprise desorbitante that very moment that marked the change history .

Every step they took the dark forces , the sky was opening up with rays of light that flooded the mighty warriors , until finally the clash among themselves , the force of light began to have more power , because the Holy Defenders with their new shields pushed the dark energy Fletta and running away , the wise craftsman ended with his big rifle to whatever was in his path , defeating archers that nobility with its great range and warriors much faster ...

Karos Chronicles of Rosh Brazil
Upon reaching the crystal, a light expanded throughout the country , watching her carefully figure of a beautiful woman was coming to announce the beginning of a new era , the era of the gods , where they really learned to trust his companions in battle would be rewarded . That was how the craftsman called Rosh was blessed by the goddess and with it all its next generation , which count on spectacular abilities to create a new energy that would serve the new reign .

It opens the doors of the castle and all are invited to celebrate this great event with walkers who proximavam still evil estaba desperate for attacking ...

Waiting for the moment that these craftsmen deliver some of his new weapons and armor to some of his disciples . In silence and cowardice , wait to strike again ...

Asmara now sleeps in peace , but not be long before it awakens a terrible storm ...

With these new features , quiem really could put an end to the war?
You who will decide the way forward ... Remember that without good teamwork, will not be more than one among many who never got nothing but evil .

The skies will bring new cities , angels live among mortals and you ? ready to be part of this new disease?
