Originally Posted by Jackal View Post
Well I'd like to say thank you for you guys for accepting me that easily, this real feels good(: .
Metal Jackal how's that sounds? Now you can search for clan rooms I'll host them when I'm ingame.
Also have to agree with DarkDranz I don't like math, I used to do but my teacher in secondary school earned that we hate math.

Well, you're so sexy but your app wasn't so sexy... and...and... i voted Neutral... But i luv u and these guys too. :3

Originally Posted by cocacobra View Post
Actually I'm the same way, I prefer Math over other subjects. I'm planning on going to college for computer programming or be a video game designer. Not quite sure which yet, I just want to be volatile in that field. Also the chain of good subjects goes like Math>Science>English>History

Wtf!? :o

Originally Posted by iSpeed View Post
No political shit here please.. having enough shit in my country..
