Yeah, we kind of have to ease people into the game before it goes apeshit on them, because it definitely does go apeshit in the later levels. :U
Also, yes, Game Maker 8.1 is what i've used. It has its quirks, but it becomes really good once you get into the structure of it.

But anyways, thanks! I'm glad you like it, because an awful lot of work has gone into it thus far. It's great to know that it hasn't been in vain, although even if others didn't like it, i've still had a lot of fun with it. c:

also NEWS

New game menu is a thing, thanks to Chartle. I just need to buff up the start buttons visually now, which might turn out to be a monumental task. :I

also more news

<Blam|Homework> oiubt veubg
various places to find me lol