You know what... Butler, bye, I don't care. Good you're gone, you showed your true colors. eregon, bye... You showed your true colors too. I don't give a shit for who leaves this clan, just shows what they think of it. Any further drama can be taken to fucking pm because you guys are all fucking pissing me off that I came from the chiropractor to just fucking post a screenshot -.-

To fucking explain myself to Thell because I like you, only reason I'm posting that screenshot. They failed to show the whole conversation... You think I would kick everybody in the clan besides all the inactive ones? HERPTADERP Shit... I wouldn't kick piegod either... I wouldn't have kicked any of you....

You guys can complain all you want blah blah blah. I don't care anymore. I've been checking in and out of the hospital, now if you don't see my dedication to this clan from skipping out on the chiropractor to just come here, then you guys are all retarded because I've been in chronic pain -.- So yeah...

Done with this drama... Stop it. eregon, don't post here. Kratos, don't post here either... same with you butler. Sensei.. I still have a heart for you for some reason. You're fine, just stop with the damned drama before something does happen.
Happy Halloween!!!!!
[u]Ultimate | Team Shit-ido | National GayTerrorist Club |Photoshop Corp.
R.I.P UNDEAD21, Beta, and Assazin