Thanks, I got it now. Is there a list of the available hooks to use, somewhere?

Edit: nvm, I found it. script/examples/hook.lua

Edit edit: Nvm, that doesn't even have the console hook. If I was looking for that there, I would've assumed it didn't exist.

edit edit edit: I can't figure out how to do this, can someone give me a pointer(s) please?

I'm trying to get the win ratio for each player. I'm using the console hook to get the chat. I was searching in the string to get the ratio. I can't figure out how to make it do the /stats for tori, wait until it has the ratio from the chat hook, and then update the tori ratio, and then do all that for uke. An end_game hook would reset all these values. Please help.
Last edited by isaac; Jul 27, 2013 at 09:14 AM.