Original Post
[REL] Mods #197-199 (TrainStation, SlingShot, CrashCar)

In the vid it actually goes: TrainStation.tbm, CrashCar.tbm, SlingShot.tbm.

TrainStation is a mod I've been trying to make for a while but I needed the new modding features of 3.3 to finish, it puts you on a platform about 300 frames from a train's arrival, you can fight on the platform or throw your opponent into the oncoming train. (you can also grab the train)

CrashCar is a sort of test mod I made using a new idea i had, expect a better version soon.

SlingShot is epic imo, I really like this one, It uses the stressfulness of tori's unbreakable body combined with thrust to create a sling shot effect. The only bad thing is you can't have dismemberment on for this mod to work, fracture works though.
Attached Files
TrainStation.tbm (2.3 KB, 190 views)
CrashCar.tbm (2.3 KB, 132 views)
SlingShot.tbm (2.5 KB, 229 views)