Originally Posted by Crooked View Post
Cause why not

I like your fluid style. Opener was extremely generic but the clean split was neat. Cool boom and good enough knee-cap. Nothing really stands out here, a basic split boom decap, but even though the idea is simple, your style stands out a lot.
Again, the opener is really generic. I liked the way you didn't go for the split, instead, you pushed uke. The split kick afterwards was pretty good but after it you start to get lazy on your movement. Final boom was nice, but I felt like it could have been bigger.
Editing the replay after the split would be really nice imo.
The skeet is pretty much useless. Generic opener (again :/ ). Pretty cool back kick, but the replay overall is really slow. Can't say I didn't like the double knee dm and the flashy spin in the end though.

I really like your style, but what I don't like is that you go over the same concept in most of your replays. Split, torso/crotch boom. Your openers are almost the same in each of your replays too, get creative mang!
Unfortunately, my vote is a no.
Originally Posted by Internet View Post
Applying, probably not ready but why not right?

I have to pass this fella onto someone else, I thought it would be unfair for me to cnc him since we're in the same clan.
Originally Posted by Pwr View Post
I think I'm ready, it's been I dunno, 3 months

WHAT IS WITH THESE GENERIC OPENERS THESE DAYS. Aerial spin was nice, but the angle of the kick makes the replay look really really messy. It is a shame you got 2 dm's with that kick, it has a lot more potential. Decap was fine. The idea is too simple, jump to uke and get a few dm's untik you land. Most replaymakers have probably done a replay like this, even I did recently. What would get you in ormo isn't making some over used idea look better, it is your creativity. Oh, and the final leg dm is really useless.
Now this is what I like, an energetic opener followed by a mini manip and total destruction. Opener was cool but the setup for the spin around 1405 looked really crappy, you could have made a better setup to gain more speed. But, you couldn't, therefore had to do some weird stiff spin thingy and land on a weird position. Even though I think the manip starter could be a great split, the mini manip was a better choice. I really liked the rest of the replay, good job mate.
Fast lane:
Eh, overdone idea, again. The punch didn't even look strong, you should have extended earlier or used your wrist to speed your punch up. Plus, your head touches the torso one frame after your hand touches the torso. Avoid bruising your head, it looks kinda weird.

Your movement is alright, but I still think you haven't learned some basics. It's a no, keep on working bud.