The main reason that makes BenD's idea so unappealing is the fact that it's a sort of idea that we've seen failing throughout the years, and still do.
We have quite a few orgs that offer training to people, yet there seems to be a lack of enthusiasm from people to actually teach and give extensive CnC, and those who have the will to do so lose it shortly after.
In my opinion Bleu was the perfect example of how that kind of idea doesn't quite work with the Toribash niche.
I'm more pending towards what Oracle was saying of "dynamics within the organizations without segregating it fuels a drive to accomplish".

Oracle: The very few times I have been to irc lately still lead me to believe that ORMO keeps on being a place for people to bounce ideas off. At least I still do it with NutHug everytime I'm there.
Now I think it's up to the new generation to use IRC for the same purpose because, believe me, it makes a HUGE difference on your game.

I agree with the "acknowledge past achievement" part but in my opinion we're doing so by keeping the old folks on the memberlist. They were the best on their time so it'd seem unfair to me to lose that record and kick them out.
As for acknowledgement of people like ChezDa that are not in the org, we do perpetuate their memory and naturally refer their work to new people here and there, but that's as far as we should go (again, in my opinion) as our focus should be mainly on the people that are at their prime or close to it.

Your competition idea seems great to me. Rewarding activity and not requiring people to do something specific for it, not limiting their imagination, good stuff.
We're still kids in buses longing to be free.