Endurance Onslaught 6.0
Original Post
THE BAR! It is maybe too low?
Greetings gentlemen! Me and the lovely folks of #ormo just had a discussion, and we came to the conclusion that the bar for entry is getting too low, relatively speaking. See, it's not that we've lowered our standards, but rather that the standards among replay makers have increased rather significantly. (which, i might add, is awesome)

BUT, this puts us in a tricky position, because getting into ORMO is meant to be a legitimate challenge, and the idea of it is to inspire people to get even better than they are now. That is not an easy thing to inspire when so many people are head and shoulders above the bar.

So, we're contemplating raising the bar from "really good" to "seriously fucking exceptionally awesome". But before we (or... well, I) do that, we need input from the rest of the org, because there are a few ethical/moral/JUSTICE questions about this course of action.

QUESTION NUMBER ONE: Is this fair? People who have gotten in now MIGHT not have been able to do so if the bar had been raised, and as NutHug so cleverly points out, we can't justify refusing someone who's better than other members.

QUESTION NUMBER TWO: If we did raise it, what do we do with YOU, our current members? I'd feel terrible for kicking people and telling them to reapply out of the blue, but if the bar was raised retroactively, how many members would we actually have? It doesn't seem wholly fair to the new applicants (which i suppose is QUESTION NUMBER ONE).

QUESTION NUMBER THREE: What do you think ORMO's purpose is? Is it just for merits and e-peens, or do we have some other grand purpose in the scheme of things?

And QUESTION NUMBER FOUR: Is it even necessary? One could argue that it's a good thing that so many people are getting so good, and frankly i don't know the general opinion on how difficult admittance into ORMO is considered to get.

But note, of course, that we're not necessarily going to do anything, we're just thinking about it. Thinking is a good thing. Therefore, i'd like you to think about it as well, and write down your thoughts for us to read, it'd be much appreciated.

Secondary note: You can respond to this even if you aren't a member of ORMO.
<Blam|Homework> oiubt veubg
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