This thread suppose to be for asking questions about Toribash, well, mostly about that. Since I have some questions, maybe you will indulge me...

1. Is Toribash for Wii abandoned project now, and will Hampa more focus on Toribash for PC, MAc and Linux this year? Will 2013 bring some changes not just of cosmetically nature?

2. What is the purpose of those 'little' game projects (MiniBash, MaceWindu, Piiracer) that Hampa is doing? Is it something like a hobby for him or is he under some contract from Nabi to release new games etc?

3. Who is doing new forum banners? I would have some critique to give: sometimes (well, most of the time) text on them is on the verge of readability. I propose to have some canons when making them (like same size of banner, font and 'forumized' colors that go well with the rest of the forum design). They seam to have a new role, to promote new stuff that are coming to Torishop, they are more like advertising banners, not forum banners. If you know what i mean...

4. Is Hampa really in Vietnam right now? What is he doing there (if it's not a secret)?

5. Last year we witnessed that Toribash servers are very prone to attacks from DDOSErs, also people are farming like crazy, game rooms (well, servers) are unstable, sometimes you can't connect to rooms, all kind of problems... Is this due to low level of security measures used or general atrophy of the staff? What is going on, I don't remember that Toribash was pressured by these problems in such magnitude before?