


You have done a bad thing, LucidSpore. Normally i'd be willing to let things slide if it was an accident, but you seriously can't duplicate a replay on accident (thank you pusga <3). Now what, may i ask, am i supposed to do about that? You've broken what is essentially the first and foremost creed among replay makers: MAKE YOUR OWN REPLAYS. We generally trust people to oblige this one principle (which, mind you, shouldn't even need to be referred to, it's common courtesy not to plagiarise), and you've broken that trust. Broken it for your own gains (which, in essence, is bragging rights), violated Zalmoxis' good will and, perhaps worst of all, ruined our trust in you. We can no longer know if you'll be a proper person and post your own stuff.

Am i making a mountain out of a mole hill? Perhaps, but the whole goddamn point of this org is that the members THEMSELVES can do awesome replays, NOTHING ELSE IS IMPORTANT (of course it's a plus if you're a cool guy, but it won't get you in). There is absolutely no point in being a member if you're trying to get in illegitimately. That's like taking the gold medal from an olympic athlete and claiming it to be your own achievement, when it bloody well isn't.

Thus, it is with sadness that i must declare you kicked from ORMO and banned from entry for the following month, effective immediately and until May 16th. I'm open for discussing this via PM if you want, especially if you intend to do so in a civilized manner. I am not cold, in fact i don't like having to administer justice in this manner. However, some things have to be upheld, especially if it's the one defining criteria of the organization.

. .

preferrably you'd have to prove to me that you're zalmoxis in which case i'd apologize very humbly
<Blam|Homework> oiubt veubg
various places to find me lol