Original Post
I'm writing a book/screenplay/script/asianporn
So yeah, unlike the 3 novels I'm also working on, this one is actually good, and I'm actually spending time writing it.

It takes place on earth, hundreds of thousands of years after a catacalysmic event effectively ended the world. The main character awakens in a cryo-sleep tube that was supposed to wake him up 600 years prior. He sets off and encounters strange, hostile new land, with even stranger races of humans, as well as mysterious civilizations.

So far I'm devoting a lot of my time creating the universe, and the actual writing of the book/whatever will happen later (so far only a few disjointed paragraphs). I have actually reused characters and other multimedia from abandoned projects in this new work, which I am putting a lot of confidence into.

The above teaser-summary isn't even a 12th of the universe/plot I've already developed.

Sharing this because why the fuck not. Yolo.

If you actually give a damn, pm me, and I may share more of the background story.

Also yeah, using my xbox to post on the forum is a hastle now, dunno how much I can do it.